The Art of Parenting in the Age of Value Pluralism
The paper entitled The Art of Parenting in the Age of Value Pluralism reflects on the fundamental question: how to be a parent in the modern-day reality where upbringing is pervaded by value pluralism. Assuming that parents always have an impact on the development of their children, the author attempts to present both the positive and negative influence exerted by the parents depending on their level of awareness, responsibility and parenting skills. The author emphasises that the cultivation of love between spouses should come first. Upbringing occurs as children observe their parents. Children form the notions of marriage and family based on the bond between their father and their mother. As a child grows, the relationship between parents must keep evolving. Parenting requires skills which need to be learnt, including – most prominently – dialogue as the basic educational method. Spouses should cultivate their mutual love and care for the comprehensive development of their children in line with the grace they have received in the sacrament of matrimony. Such love provides a foundation for the proper personal development of a child. Simultaneously, it prepares the child for the future fulfilment of their fundamental calling, which is motherhood or fatherhood.
marriage, family, child, upbringing, motherhood, fatherhood, value pluralism, dialogue, spiritualityReferences
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