The Conditions of Adaptation of “Internally Displaced Persons” to University Environment by Means of Students’ Self-Government

Yurii Krashchenko

Wydział Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. V.G. Korolenki w Połtawie, ul. Ostrogradskiego 2, 36039 Połtawa, Ukraina

Halyna Sorokina

Wydział Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. V.G. Korolenki w Połtawie, ul. Ostrogradskiego 2, 36039 Połtawa, Ukraina

Iryna Degtyarova

Wydział Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. V.G. Korolenki w Połtawie, ul. Ostrogradskiego 2, 36039 Połtawa, Ukraina


The article deals with the problem of adaptation of “internally displaced people” (for example, refugees from war zones in eastern Ukraine) to the university environment by means of students’ self-government. According to the survey among IDP students who were transferred from other higher education institutions, it was found that the most favourable field for the development of constructive relations between displaced students and “domestic” students of the academic community of the university could be created by a system of students’ self-government. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of adaptation of IDP students to the university environment were defined. The paper proves that students’ self-government in a variety of forms and organizational levels can ensure successful adaptation of displaced students at a new place of study.


“internally displaced people”, IDP students/displaced students, adaptation, organizational and pedagogical conditions of adaptation, HEI/university environment, students’ self-government, students’ self-government body

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Cited by

Krashchenko, Y., Sorokina, H., & Degtyarova, I. (2017). The Conditions of Adaptation of “Internally Displaced Persons” to University Environment by Means of Students’ Self-Government. Studia Warmińskie, 54, 385–393.

Yurii Krashchenko 
Wydział Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. V.G. Korolenki w Połtawie, ul. Ostrogradskiego 2, 36039 Połtawa, Ukraina
Halyna Sorokina 
Wydział Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. V.G. Korolenki w Połtawie, ul. Ostrogradskiego 2, 36039 Połtawa, Ukraina
Iryna Degtyarova 
Wydział Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. V.G. Korolenki w Połtawie, ul. Ostrogradskiego 2, 36039 Połtawa, Ukraina