Monika Cichmińska
Katedra Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieAbstrakt
Campbell J. (1994) Potęga mitu. Rozmowy Billa Moyersa z Josephem Campbel- lem. Trans, by M. Kania. Kraków.
Cichmińska-Todorska M. (1998) Contrastive analysis of the language of negative emotions in English and Polish: cognitive semantics and valencies. Doctoral dissertation. Łódź University, Poland.
Coulter J. (1979) Social Construction of Mind. New York.
Ekman P. (1992) An argument for basic emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 6, 169-200.
Ekman P. (1994) All emotions are basic. In: P. Ekman and R.J. Davidson (eds.) The Nature of Emotions. Fundamental Questions. New York, Oxford: OUP, 15-19.
Ekman P, Friesen W.V. and Ellsworth P. (1972) Emotion in the Human Face. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon.
Ekman P. and Friesen W.V. (1975) Unmasking the Face. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Fillmore C. (1975) An alternative to checklist theories of meaning. In: C. Cogen, H. Thompson, G. Thurgood and K. Whistler (eds.) Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 123-131.
Fillmore C. (1977) The case for case reopened. In: P. Cole and J.M. Sadock (eds.) Syntax and Semantics 8. New York: Academic Press, 59-81.
Fillmore C. (1982) Frame Semantics. In: Linguistics in the Morning Calm. The Linguistic Society of Korea (ed.). Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co, 111-137.
Fillmore C. (1985) Frames and the semantics of understanding. Quaderni di Semantica VI, 222-54.
Fillmore C. (1986) U-semantics, second round. Quaderni di Semantica VII, 49-101.
Fillmore C. and B.T. Atkins (1992) Toward a frame-based lexicon: The semantics of RISK and its neighbors. In: A. Lehrer and E. Kittay (eds) Frames, Fields and Contrasts. Hillsdale/N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., 75-102.
Johnson-Laird P.N. and Keith Oatley (1989) The Language of Emotions: An Analysis of a Semantic Field. Cognition and Emotion 3, 81-123.
Jung C.G. (1970) Psychologia a religia. Warszawa.
Jung C.G. (1976) Archetypy i symbole. Warszawa.
Kövecses Z. (1986) Metaphors of Anger, Pride and Love. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Kövecses Z. (1989) Emotion Concepts. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Kövecses Z. (1990) Joy. An exercise in the description of emotion concepts. Grazer Linguistische Studien 33/34, 153-64.
Lakoff G. (1987) Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press.
Lakoff G. and Kövecses Z. (1987) The Cognitive Model of Anger Inherent in American English. In: D. Holland and N. Quinn. Cultural Models in Language and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lakoff G. and Johnson M. (1980) Metaphors We Live By. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press.
Langacker R. W. (1987) Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, Vol. I: Theoretical Prerequisites. Standford/California: Stanford University Press.
Lazarus R. S. (1994) Appraisal: The Long and Short of It. In: P. Ekman and R. J. Davidson (eds.) The Nature of Emotions. Fundamental Questions. New York, Oxford: OUP, 208-215.
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk B. (1995) Worldview and verbal senses. In: B.B. Kachru and H. Kahane (eds.) Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary [Series Maior 64]. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 223-235.
Mayenowa R.M. (ed.) (1966) Praska szkoła strukturalna 1926-1948. Wybór materiałów. Warszawa.
Nowakowska-Kempna I. (1995) Konceptualizacja uczuć w języku polskim. WST TWP: Warszawa.
Posner M. (1986) Empirical Studies of Prototypes. In: C. Craig (ed.) Noun Classes and Categorisation. Amsterdam 53-61.
Putnam H. (1986) Mind, Language, and Reality. Philosophical Papers, vol.2. Cambridge.
Rosch E. H. (1973) On the internal structure of perceptual and semantic categories. In: T. E. Moore (ed.) Cognitive Development and the Acquisition of Language. New York: Academic Press.
Rosch E. (1975) Cognitive Representations of Semantic Categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 192-233.
Rosch E. (1977) Human categorization. In: Neil Warren (ed.) Studies in Cross-cultural Psychology, Vol I. London, etc.: Academic Press, 1-49.
Rosch E. H. (1978) Principles of categorization. In: E. Rosch and В. B. Lloyd (eds.) Cognition and Categorization. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 27-48.
Schank R.C. and Abelson R.P. (1977) Scripts, Plans, Goals and Understanding. Hillsdale/N.J., N.Y.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Searle J.R. (1983) Intentionality. Cambridge: CUP.
Wittgenstein L. (1970 [1922]) Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Trans, by B.Wolniewicz. Warszawa-Kraków: PWN.
Wittgenstein L. (1953) Philosophical Investigations. Trans, by G.E.M. Anscombe. New York: Macmillan.
Wierzbicka A. (1971) Kocha, lubi, szanuje. Medytacje semantyczne. Wrocław- -Warszwa-Kraków: Ossolineum.
Wierzbicka A. (1972) Semantic Primitives. Frankfurt/M: Athenaeum.
Wierzbicka A. (1986) Does language reflect culture? Evidence from Australian English. Language and Society 15, 349-373.
Cichmińska-Todorska M. (1998) Contrastive analysis of the language of negative emotions in English and Polish: cognitive semantics and valencies. Doctoral dissertation. Łódź University, Poland.
Coulter J. (1979) Social Construction of Mind. New York.
Ekman P. (1992) An argument for basic emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 6, 169-200.
Ekman P. (1994) All emotions are basic. In: P. Ekman and R.J. Davidson (eds.) The Nature of Emotions. Fundamental Questions. New York, Oxford: OUP, 15-19.
Ekman P, Friesen W.V. and Ellsworth P. (1972) Emotion in the Human Face. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon.
Ekman P. and Friesen W.V. (1975) Unmasking the Face. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Fillmore C. (1975) An alternative to checklist theories of meaning. In: C. Cogen, H. Thompson, G. Thurgood and K. Whistler (eds.) Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 123-131.
Fillmore C. (1977) The case for case reopened. In: P. Cole and J.M. Sadock (eds.) Syntax and Semantics 8. New York: Academic Press, 59-81.
Fillmore C. (1982) Frame Semantics. In: Linguistics in the Morning Calm. The Linguistic Society of Korea (ed.). Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co, 111-137.
Fillmore C. (1985) Frames and the semantics of understanding. Quaderni di Semantica VI, 222-54.
Fillmore C. (1986) U-semantics, second round. Quaderni di Semantica VII, 49-101.
Fillmore C. and B.T. Atkins (1992) Toward a frame-based lexicon: The semantics of RISK and its neighbors. In: A. Lehrer and E. Kittay (eds) Frames, Fields and Contrasts. Hillsdale/N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., 75-102.
Johnson-Laird P.N. and Keith Oatley (1989) The Language of Emotions: An Analysis of a Semantic Field. Cognition and Emotion 3, 81-123.
Jung C.G. (1970) Psychologia a religia. Warszawa.
Jung C.G. (1976) Archetypy i symbole. Warszawa.
Kövecses Z. (1986) Metaphors of Anger, Pride and Love. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Kövecses Z. (1989) Emotion Concepts. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Kövecses Z. (1990) Joy. An exercise in the description of emotion concepts. Grazer Linguistische Studien 33/34, 153-64.
Lakoff G. (1987) Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press.
Lakoff G. and Kövecses Z. (1987) The Cognitive Model of Anger Inherent in American English. In: D. Holland and N. Quinn. Cultural Models in Language and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lakoff G. and Johnson M. (1980) Metaphors We Live By. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press.
Langacker R. W. (1987) Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, Vol. I: Theoretical Prerequisites. Standford/California: Stanford University Press.
Lazarus R. S. (1994) Appraisal: The Long and Short of It. In: P. Ekman and R. J. Davidson (eds.) The Nature of Emotions. Fundamental Questions. New York, Oxford: OUP, 208-215.
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk B. (1995) Worldview and verbal senses. In: B.B. Kachru and H. Kahane (eds.) Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary [Series Maior 64]. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 223-235.
Mayenowa R.M. (ed.) (1966) Praska szkoła strukturalna 1926-1948. Wybór materiałów. Warszawa.
Nowakowska-Kempna I. (1995) Konceptualizacja uczuć w języku polskim. WST TWP: Warszawa.
Posner M. (1986) Empirical Studies of Prototypes. In: C. Craig (ed.) Noun Classes and Categorisation. Amsterdam 53-61.
Putnam H. (1986) Mind, Language, and Reality. Philosophical Papers, vol.2. Cambridge.
Rosch E. H. (1973) On the internal structure of perceptual and semantic categories. In: T. E. Moore (ed.) Cognitive Development and the Acquisition of Language. New York: Academic Press.
Rosch E. (1975) Cognitive Representations of Semantic Categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 192-233.
Rosch E. (1977) Human categorization. In: Neil Warren (ed.) Studies in Cross-cultural Psychology, Vol I. London, etc.: Academic Press, 1-49.
Rosch E. H. (1978) Principles of categorization. In: E. Rosch and В. B. Lloyd (eds.) Cognition and Categorization. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 27-48.
Schank R.C. and Abelson R.P. (1977) Scripts, Plans, Goals and Understanding. Hillsdale/N.J., N.Y.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Searle J.R. (1983) Intentionality. Cambridge: CUP.
Wittgenstein L. (1970 [1922]) Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Trans, by B.Wolniewicz. Warszawa-Kraków: PWN.
Wittgenstein L. (1953) Philosophical Investigations. Trans, by G.E.M. Anscombe. New York: Macmillan.
Wierzbicka A. (1971) Kocha, lubi, szanuje. Medytacje semantyczne. Wrocław- -Warszwa-Kraków: Ossolineum.
Wierzbicka A. (1972) Semantic Primitives. Frankfurt/M: Athenaeum.
Wierzbicka A. (1986) Does language reflect culture? Evidence from Australian English. Language and Society 15, 349-373.
Monika Cichmińska
Katedra Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Katedra Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
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