Bogusław Żyłko
Uniwersytet GdańskiAbstrakt
Yuri Lotman started his research activity in the field of literary theory (widely: theory of
culture) as orthodox structuralist at the beginning of the 1970s. The concept of structure has
been based on the structural linguistic theories and adopted to develop research on literary
works as well as “cultural texts”. The last ones concern the perception of structure not only
in terms of the “level of expression”, but also the “level of content” that can be analysed with
the use of peculiar procedures. The strict procedures rely on distinguishing the set of “binary oppositions” in the “structure of content” to illustrate the author’s perception of reality and
his “model of the world”.
Lotman was convinced that ideological and artistic structures are immersed in history.
They have a dynamic nature (likewise the culture which was seen as the complicated
“semiosphere” with its processes, predictable or unpredictable as well as the innovative
“explosion” mechanisms). Therefore, Lotman in his later years moves away from cultural
self-models based on “binary oppositions” to “ternary” system.
In spite of the evident evolution of his concepts Lotman was always devoted to the
doctrine of knowledge and never left the humanistic ideals using them for research purposes.
The scientific models and sources of inspiration could be changeable, but pathos and
scientific rationality never left him. His structuralism was at its peak with possibility of
evolution, infinitely flexible, individual, accidental, unpredictable or even “explosive”, but
never was the betrayal of previous ideals.
Słowa kluczowe:
Yuri Lotman, semiotics, structuralism, theory of cultureBibliografia
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Uniwersytet Gdański
Inne teksty tego samego autora
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- Bogusław Żyłko, Problemy odbioru i odbiorcy w pracach Jurija Łotmana. Część 2. , Acta Neophilologica: Tom 2 Nr XXIII (2021): Acta Neophilologica