Полонизмы в украинско-латинском (славяно-латинском) рукописном словаре Арсения Славинецкого и Епифания Сатановского XVII века

Jarosław Karzarnowicz



The article describes Polish language elements in the Slavic-Latin dictionary (some call it Ukrainian-Latin) by E. Slavinecki and A. Satanovski. The dictionary was assembled in Moscow but undoubtedly the idea content of it belongs to the Mogiła Academy in Kiev. It numbers about 7 500 lexemes, 540 of which can be considered Polish borrowings. In the research the dictionary of the Polish language by Grigory Knapski (presumably published in 1643) was used. The lingu­ istic material of the Slavic-Latin dictionary is distinctly divided into three groups: 1. Words of Western European origin, borrowed with the aid of the Polish language, phone­ tically and morphologically adapted; 2. Words (often of panto-Slavic origin) with the Polish phonetic and morphological charac­ teristics (so called „quotes”); 3. Words (often of panto-Slavic or Old Russian origin), the meaning of which had changed under the influence of the Polish language (semantic borrowings). Researches of the Polish-Russian language contacts point to similar lexemes in the Russian language of that period that were undoubtedly borrowed from Ukrainian.



Karzarnowicz, J. (2004). Полонизмы в украинско-латинском (славяно-латинском) рукописном словаре Арсения Славинецкого и Епифания Сатановского XVII века. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(IX), 187–200. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/3757

Jarosław Karzarnowicz 