Published: 2022-12-061

From the object of justice to subjective rights. On transformation of the meaning of rights and some consequences of it

Andrzej Stoiński
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


In the text, we deal with the changes that have occurred over the centuries in the meaning of rights. We are also interested in changing the role assigned to duties correlated with rights and to justice. Starting from the early sense of rights as an object of justice, we move on to a modern subjective understanding of them. We claim that the consequence of the described transformation is a change in the structure of the justification of rights. We mean here that rights, originally justified by the rules of justice and equivalent to duties, have become independent of justice, and even that justice has come to be understood as the rule of realizing benefits (i.e. substantive rights) that are autonomous in content.


justice, theories of rights, objective rights, subjective rights, duties of justice, justification of rights

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Stoiński, A. (2022). From the object of justice to subjective rights. On transformation of the meaning of rights and some consequences of it. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (28), 179–196.

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