Published: 2018-09-291

The beauty and the death. Herodias by Stéphane Mallarmé and Fairy tale of the autumn park by Leopold Staff

Grzegorz Igliński


The paper compares two poems with diagonal structure: Herodias by Stéphane Mallarmé and Baśń parku jesiennego (Fairy tale of the autumn park) by Leopold Staff. It proves the level of dependence of the Polish work on the French original. The comparison shows that the number of motives identical for both texts is too high to see it as accidental; it rather shows conscious inspiration. However, Staff uses those motives differently than Mallarmé, subjecting them to his poetics and his philosophy of balance. His work is not a paraphrase or pastiche; it represents a different elaboration of the same subject – the beauty. They create a new quality.


beauty, innocence, narcissism, love, youth, old age

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Igliński, G. (2018). The beauty and the death. Herodias by Stéphane Mallarmé and Fairy tale of the autumn park by Leopold Staff. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (3). Retrieved from

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