Published: 2021-09-291

Brzęcząca i migocząca rzeczywistość. Owady w "Panu Tadeuszu" Adama Mickiewicza

Grzegorz Igliński
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Section: Interpretations


The work attempts to determine how frequently insects appear in Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz, and the function of these motifs. It presents the thesis according to which their special role in the poem results from the principle of an analogy between people and insects that encompasses almost all the characters. Accordingly, the world presented gains aspects of volatility and fragility as well as magic.

The motifs analysed in the work indicate that the poem’s world, while consistent and limited in its territory, timing and culture, consists of a number of interrelated worlds. The first world is the larval reality; the women in the state of transformation, experiencing love. The second world is the world of flies entangled in the tradition of nobility. There also exists the world of nature with its secrets and symbols but the majority of analysed motifs concern man and his culture.

Analogies with insects characterise mainly human behaviour. The cases studied confirm the initial thesis that in the presented reality of Pan Tadeusz there is some buzzing, shaking, glimpsing and flapping. This is the volatile world, the world that does not exist, the world whose motion resembles the stillness of dragonflies suspended in the air. It does not so much express the passing but rather the never ending waiting.


romantyzm, poezja, bestiariusz, larwa, owad

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Igliński, G. (2021). Brzęcząca i migocząca rzeczywistość. Owady w "Panu Tadeuszu" Adama Mickiewicza. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (9).

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