Opublikowane: 2018-09-291

Materiały i notatki do badań nad życiem i twórczością Teodora von Łaskiego (edycja utworów z komentarzem)

Zbigniew Chojnowski


Teodor von Łaski was a village teacher and a Masurian poet in the nineteenth century. He lived and worked in Rakowo (currently Rakowo Piskie) and Bełcząc. The article contains publications and commentary of his two poems: Wartość czytania (pol. The Value of Reading) and Do skowronka (To the Lark), as well as a letter addressed to Marcin Gerss. Łaski would work with him as the editor of "Kalendarz Królewsko-Pruski Ewangelicki" and "Gazeta Lecka". The works of the Masurian teacher show his literary ability and his strong ties to the Masurian culture. Łaski joined the effort of bringing the education to a broader populace, along with reading habits and exposing the work ethics. He believed in moderate conjunction of mental and physical effort.

Słowa kluczowe:

literatura mazurska, Marcin Gerss, symbolika skowronka, wartość czytania, zagadka

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Chojnowski, Z. (2018). Materiały i notatki do badań nad życiem i twórczością Teodora von Łaskiego (edycja utworów z komentarzem). Prace Literaturoznawcze, (3). Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pl/article/view/1158

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