Racjonalizacja procesu prawotwórczego w prezydenckich i semiprezydenckich ustrojach państw Afryki frankofońskiej
The paper deals with procedures rationalising the course of law-making proceedings in African states that have created their constitutional arrangements on the basis of the model developed in the Constitution of the Fifth Republic of France. In the French case, these mechanisms can be seen as one of the aspects of far-reaching rationalisation of the broadly understood parliamentary system of government, which was maintained (but with signifcant modifcations) in the Constitution of 1958. The author argues that the possibility of applying these constructions in Africa depends, at least to some
extent, on the adopted system of government (presidentialism or semi-presidentialism), as well as on the one- or two-chamber structure of the parliament.
Słowa kluczowe:
rationalisation, France, francophone African states, law-making process, presidentialism, semi-presidentialism.Bibliografia
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