Jezioro jako nieruchomość?
Anna Klimach
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Katarzyna Bagan-Kurluta
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
The surface of the earth is very diverse, there are various elements on it that shape it: mountains, forests, and water. Not all elements of its shape are relevant to the concept of real estate or the scope of ownership rights. The regulations state that the majority of real estate may be owned by any civil law entities, without differentiating them and limiting the possibility of acquiring ownership rights. Some properties are in principle owned by the State Treasury (or municipalities, as a rule). Whether a property may be owned by any entity may depend on its type, location or what is on it. The following article discusses whether a lake can be treated as a property within the meaning of civil law. In addition, it was examined whether two land and mortgage registers could be kept for one lake.
Słowa kluczowe:
lake, real estate, water property, 3D plot.Bibliografia
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