About the Journal


Studia Prawnoustrojowe is a peer, double-blind reviewed, interdisciplinary, juridically-focused, scientific journal, issued quarterly by the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.

Journal entitled Studia Prawnoustrojowe has been published since 2001 as a periodical, since 2012, the journal has been transformed into a quarterly one.

Since 2020, the reference version of the journal is the electronic version (Editorial Statement).

Scientific scope

Scientific subjects and goals of the journal include legal studies sensu largo: civil, penal, administrative substantive and procedural law, company, commercial, family, labour, environmental, constitutional, European, and international law, as well as historical issues, sociology, philosophy, and theory of law. The journal with such a broad formula takes into account all the crucial issues and dilemmas of legal and juridical sciences.

The scope of the journal allows for a broad scientific discourse on both national and international forums. It creates the possibility of a broad platform for the exchange of ideas, views, and concepts in an interdisciplinary dimension.

The journal also has thematic editors responsible for the proper selection of submitted texts, including the main topic of the given issue. Thematic editors are appointed ad hoc to a specific issue from among the researchers of the Faculty of Law and Administration of UWM in Olsztyn, who demonstrate the best level of knowledge in a given field and scientific diligence. In addition, a language editor and a statistical editor have been appointed.