Selected legal and practical aspects of data protection related to the performance of remote work
The subject of this article is to present the issue related to the evolution of the operation of telework and the legal and practical aspects concerning personal data protection and its implementation from the operation of telework to the performance of remote work, bearing in mind the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased risk of incidents and violations. The performance of “remote” work is nothing new in the Polish legal order, and statistics show that its performance has increased slightly since 2009, mainly in the private sector. The purpose of the article is also to try to answer the question of whether the performance of remote work represents an opportunity or a threat to the employer in terms of the effective and efficient performance of tasks by subordinate employees adequate to the risks in cyberspace. The article points out the opportunities and risks associated with the introduction of this form of work provision. The main arguments in favour of its introduction are the employer’s financial benefits related to the maintenance of the premises and the savings of employees in terms of costs and commuting time, but also the increased safety of employees. Among the barriers occurring mainly in the public sector, one should note the issue related to the specificity of the tasks performed (i.e. customer service), or the lack of adequate equipment of public entities with computer equipment, as well as the lack of proper preparation of employees to perform remote work adequate to identified and current risks. The article highlights the role of the controller and processor to properly and promptly involve the Data Protection Officer (hereinafter referred to as DPO) in all matters concerning the implementation and evaluation of the functioning of the rules and procedures, tools and conditions for the safe provision of remote work adequately to the risks, taking into account the requirements outlined in, among others, Articles 24, 29 and 32 of the GDPR, as well as continuous legislative or organizational changes. Significant attention was paid to the awareness-raising activities and the duties of the DPO to provide the necessary guidance, followed by his monitoring role to assess the implementation of the implemented rules for the performance of remote work, considering compliance with security information and protection requirements, including procedures and rules for reporting any incidents and violations.
law, data protection, remote working, teleworking, Data Protection Officer, security informationReferences
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