The employee’s right to privacy in the perspective of work-life balance
Krystyna Ziółkowska
Univeristy Warmian-Masuria in Olsztyn
Sandra Omieczyńska
In recent years, we have begun to notice a conflict between two life spheres that are in close correlation with each other, namely private life and professional life. Even though these are two completely contradictory levels, because one relates to rest, and the other to earning money, they remain interdependent and the lack of balance between them causes the collapse of
both spheres. The aim of this article is to present the benefits of maintaining an appropriate balance between these two elements because only it allows you to maintain healthy, proper family relationships, as well as efficiency, the
desire for self-fulfilment and satisfaction with your work. It is both the em-
ployer’s obligation and recommendation to help the employee maintain a work-life balance because his or her behaviour has a direct and meliorative impact on the business activity, profits obtained, and costs incurred. For this purpose, the legislator introduced several legal regulations aimed at making the work system more flexible, ensuring the employee’s regeneration and mainta-
ining proper family relationships. These include legal standards relating to parental rights, in particular the right to leave, as well as a new form of employment called “remote work”. According to the analysis, it should be stated that the effects of implementing work-life balance contribute to improving family relationships, reducing absenteeism and staff turnover, employee well-
-being, and increasing their motivation, efficiency and productivity because regular rest and regeneration have a meliorative impact on the quality of work performed. Moreover, providing employees with private space and respecting
their right to privacy translates into a more motivated and productive work
environment. It is reasonable to say that making work more flexible and helping to maintain the employee’s life balance translates into several benefits for the employer itself. Therefore, work-life balance is a concept whose benefits
are two-sided.
conflict of spheres, life balance, work, employment, health, family relations, rest, remote work, holidaysReferences
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