Defining culture inspired by human rights in the light of the struggle to preserve the Ukrainian language
Piotr Krajewski
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM
Paweł Onufrijuk
The article raises the issue of culture and cultural heritage directly and indirectly related to human rights in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine. It
is a substitute showing the importance of Ukrainians’ efforts to preserve their language and national consciousness, indicating an internal belief in the
existence of cultural distinctiveness, cultivated despite long-term external pressures. The aim of the article is to raise the issue of the importance (about
human rights) of a nation’s culture, the most natural emanation of which is its language; it is about a problem that he has been struggling with “forever”,
experiencing the external pressure of cultural imperialism. Russia’s long-term administrative and legal actions, which have had dramatic consequences and hit intellectual circles and culture itself, have not brought the expected results; nor were they provided by attempts to propagate subjectively presented versions of historical events intended to justify the pressure and struggle to expand their sphere of influence. Finally, it also emphasizes the importance of preserving Ukraine’s cultural heritage as an element that, if destroyed, will not return to its pre-armed conflict state; will be evidence of a violation of human rights.
culture, cultural heritage, war in Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian languages, human rightsReferences
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