Proof of electronic delivery in general administrative proceedings
After the entry into force of the obligation to apply the regulations of the Act on electronic deliveries, in general administrative proceedings deliveries
should be carried out first using the public electronic registered delivery service (electronic delivery). Within the framework of this method of delivery – as
in the case of delivery by public hybrid service (electronic-traditional delivery) and delivery by registered mail, by its employees or by other authorized persons or bodies (traditional delivery) – evidence is issued to prove the process. The
purpose of the publication is to discuss the type, structure and legal nature of the evidence of electronic delivery issued in the public electronic registered delivery service, in particular the evidence of sending and receiving, in the context of a comparison to the evidence prepared for traditional delivery carried out by registered mail. The analysis conducted supports the conclusion that evidence of electronic delivery is comparable to evidence of traditional delivery in general terms, but at the detailed level there are even significant
administrative proceedings, electronic delivery, evidence of sending, evidence of receiving, public electronic registered delivery service, registered mailReferences
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