Crime victims’ rights in Bulgaria. Are we continuing to stay beyond time?

Dobrinka Chankova

Varna Free University „Chernorizets Hrabar”


This study delves into the latest development of crime victims’ related policies and practices in Bulgaria and the protection of victims’ rights. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyse the newest achievements and to scrutinise the relevant operative legislation, commenting on both the strong
and the weak points of its implementation. The central thesis is that the pro-
tection of victims of crime on a national scale, although improving in the regulations, especially in recent times and for some types of victims, still lags
behind the development of public relations, the protection provided by other countries, and in terms of transposition of the relevant European Union direc-
tives, the EU Strategy on Victims’ Rights and Council of Europe acts. The
conclusions are that along with the progress in the recognition and further settlement of victims’ rights, the system ensuring victims’ participation in
criminal proceedings and their support shows several imperfections that should be addressed immediately. The current legal framework should be carefully examined in light of European and global standards. The urgency of introducing restorative justice is underscored as an indisputable instrument
in favour of the victims. 


EU law, victims’ rights in Bulgaria, victims of crime, compensation for victims, Council of Europe legislation

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Cited by

Chankova, D. (2024). Crime victims’ rights in Bulgaria. Are we continuing to stay beyond time?. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Dobrinka Chankova 
Varna Free University „Chernorizets Hrabar”