Language rights in light of international, EU and Polish law. Major issues

Aneta Skorupa-Wulczyńska

Kancelaria Sejmu RP


The issue of language rights is gaining increasing attention from researchers mainly due to the changing structures of societies, which are more and
more multicultural and multilingual. The purpose of this article is to determine the scope of language rights resulting from international, the EU and
Polish law. The analysis conducted shows that international law provides only
partial protection of individual language rights. Such protection mainly concerns the private sphere, as well as linguistic procedural rights and the right
to study a minority language in the public sphere. The divergent approaches to language rights adopted by states in their legislation make it difficult to
establish common principles for language rights and do not allow them to be comprehensively reflected at the international level. Protection is provided
primarily by national regulations, although it is necessary to recognize the importance of international standards, which increasingly set limits on the freedom of states to regulate language issues. The analysis proves that the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of language has the most significant impact on individual language rights. Nevertheless, the full extent of the impact of the rights still requires further in-depth research




language rights, national minorities, linguistic human rights, , linguistic procedural rights, prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of language

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Cited by

Skorupa-Wulczyńska, A. (2024). Language rights in light of international, EU and Polish law. Major issues. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Aneta Skorupa-Wulczyńska 
Kancelaria Sejmu RP