On the threshold of change. A project to introduce an audiovisual will into the Polish legal system

Izabela Pawłowska

Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


Technological progress affects many areas of life. It also has an impact on legal regulations that do not keep up with changes. In many areas of life, there is also a visible tendency to facilitate certain activities and formalities. The Polish originator of the project proposes the implementation of a certain novelty into the legal system, which has been talked about for many years, both in Poland and abroad. So far, no European country has introduced an official audiovisual will into its legal system, but this is about to change thanks to the proposal of the Polish Ministry of Justice. The aim of this article is to analyze the proposal of the Polish project initiator regarding the introduction of an audiovisual will. The author will verify the direction of changes in the context of other possibilities, primarily in the form of an audiovisual will. Issues related to the potential risk of changing the law in this area will be discussed, as well as the benefits that the proposed change may bring and the benefits that the proposed change will not bring due to the shape of the proposed solutions. The author will attempt to assess the changes in Polish inheritance law in the context of audiovisual wills and verify the purpose of the future amendment.


testament, audiovisual will, form of a will, civil law

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Cited by

Pawłowska, I. (2024). On the threshold of change. A project to introduce an audiovisual will into the Polish legal system. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (66). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.10311

Izabela Pawłowska 
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy