Administrative law – general part and organizational issues. Before the exam, ed. Monika Augustyniak, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2023, 400 pages [book review]

Artur Lis

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The review of the book Administrative law – general part and systemic issues. Before the exam edited by Monika Augustyniak, aims to assess the
usefulness of the publication as a didactic tool for students and trainees. This publication focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of administrative
law, combining theory with current case law and doctrine. The authors explain the basic concepts, characteristics, and functions of administration, as well as discuss in detail the sources of administrative law, principles, and entities of public administration. The reviewed book is not an academic textbook but an auxiliary position in the didactics of administrative law.


administrative law, public administration, administration management, administrative legal relations, principles of administrative law, administration control


Cited by

Lis, A. (2024). Administrative law – general part and organizational issues. Before the exam, ed. Monika Augustyniak, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2023, 400 pages [book review]. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Artur Lis 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II