The „Air Quality” service in the mObywatel app. (mCitizen app) – comments from a legal and environmental perspective

Agnieszka Skóra

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM

Marcin Skóra

Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Gdańsku


The aim of the paper is to analyse the “Air Quality” service (pol. “Jakość powietrza”), available from September 2023 on the mObywatel 2.0 app (pol.
aplikacja mObywatel). The paper is the first in the legal and chemical literature to address the issue under study. The paper is interdisciplinary, taking
into account both legal and environmental aspects, which allows for a broad presentation of the essence and practical usefulness of this service. The use
of mobile applications in public administration in Poland is a relatively new phenomenon. Therefore, the study begins with remarks on general issues re-
lated to mobile applications used by public administrations to provide online services. Key aspects of the mObywatel 2.0 app are then presented, including the rules for placing services in it, the circle of its users and the procedure for
adding new services. This background enables the primary aim of the thesis, which is to characterise the “Air Quality” service in detail, also in the context
of other mobile air pollution monitoring applications. The relevance of this issue is important for several reasons, including the revolutionary nature of
mobile applications as tools for accessing public services and the planned introduction of the European Digital Identity Wallet, which is expected to improve the use of online services across the European Union. The growing importance of climate protection and air quality is also an important aspect.
Reducing particulate matter, such as PM10 and PM2,5, is key to reducing the effects of global warming and improving human health and ecosystems. Improving air quality supports the adaptation of societies and environments to
climate change.


mobile app, mObywatel, European Digital Identity Wallet, particulate matter, “Air Quality” service

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Cited by

Skóra, A., & Skóra, M. (2024). The „Air Quality” service in the mObywatel app. (mCitizen app) – comments from a legal and environmental perspective. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Agnieszka Skóra 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM
Marcin Skóra 
Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Gdańsku