Joining the partnership by the heir of the deceased partner – specificity of the succession clause in a professional partnership
Sylwia Łazarewicz
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM
The aim of the article is to define the rules for changing partners in a professional partnership, which may occur as a result of the death of one of them. This requires answering the question about the admissibility of changes in the personal composition of a professional partnership, the legal basis for an heir to join the partnership and possible alternatives to the succession clause. Under the regulations of a professional partnership, the legislator allows the heir of a deceased partner to join the partnership. However, this requires meeting two conditions specified in Art. 101 of the Commercial Companies Code (CCC). First, the partnership agreement should allow for the heir to join. Secondly, the accession of an heir requires that he or she has appropriate professional qualifications. The succession clause itself does not constitute a legal basis for the heir to join the partnership. Heirs who meet the requirements join the partnership by operation of law, automatically upon the death of a partner. Any statements on this subject submitted to the partnership are therefore for informational purposes only. An heir who is not interested in remaining in the partnership may withdraw from it by exercising the right to terminate the partnership agreement. The mere fact of not joining the partnership requires rejection of the inheritance. The succession clause does not interfere with the possibility of providing the heir (as well as any other person who meets the requirement to have appropriate professional qualifications) with the right to join the professional partnership after the death of a partner based on the accession clause allowed in the partnership agreement. However, the beneficiary of the accession clause does not join the partnership in place of the deceased partner but acquires his or her membership in the partnership by exercising a claim to amend the partnership agreement addressed to the partners.
Commercial Companies Code, professional partnership, succession clause, joining the partnership, heirReferences
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