Axiology of local government savings and credit institutions – does it still make any sense?

Piotr Ruczkowski

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


The main objective of the study was to provide the reader with an insight into the ideas (values) related to the establishment and operation of local government savings and credit institutions, namely: municipal savings unions (KKOs) and rural savings and credit unions (GKWPOs). Their origins date
back to the period of the Partitions, while in interwar Poland, KKOs were created by municipal, district and provincial governments, as well as by inter-communal associations established for this purpose. On the other hand, GKWPOs were established by rural commune self-government authorities in the central and eastern Polish provinces, i.e. in the area of the former Congress Poland. After the war, only KKOs were revived (GKWPOs did not resume their operations), but not for long, because following the banking reform of the late 1940s and early 1950s, these institutions were abolished. The above was also connected with abandoning the idea of traditional local government and later on the abolition of local governments. The basic features (values), which
contributed to the enormous economic success of these institutions, were such as trust, security, transparency in operations, a clear organizational structure, links between the unions and local governments (founding bodies) responsible for deposits held in the unions (with the possibility of extending their responsibility to other liabilities of the unions) and reliance on separate legal regulations.


administrative law, local government, municipal savings unions, rural savings and credit unions, the ideas behind savings unions, axiology of savings unions, local government savings and credit unions

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Cited by

Ruczkowski, P. (2024). Axiology of local government savings and credit institutions – does it still make any sense?. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Piotr Ruczkowski 
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach