The penalty imposed by the court versus the penalty executed. The impact of the application of Article 12c of the Executive Penal Code on the legal situation of the convicted person
Justyna Karaźniewicz
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
The provisions of the Criminal Code define the length of imprisonment and provide that the penalty is imposed in months and years. The sentence
imposed by a court judgment, after being ordered for execution, must be converted into the duration of the penalty, expressed in days and defined by the
start and end dates of the penalty. In light of the current regulations of the
Executive Penal Code, the calculation of time served is carried out according to standardized rules. Indeed, Article 12c of the Executive Penal Code states
that one month is counted as 30 days and one year as 365 days. On the one hand, this unifies the length of the sentence and means that a penalty imposed in the same amount is always carried out for the same period, regardless
of how many days there are in fact in a given month. On the other hand, the imposition of a sentence of more than 11 months results in its designation as
1 year counted as 365 days, rather than 12 months corresponding to 360 days. The aim of the article is to present the current legal regulations on the length
of imprisonment imposed by the court and the length of the penalty executed. Problems related to converting the amount of the imposed penalty into the amount of the executed penalty were indicated. They are also concerned about the aggregate penalty. Their impact on the convict’s situation was emphasized.
penal executive law, imprisonment, lenght of a penalty, penalty imposed by the court, conversion a penalty imposed by the court, execution of the sentenceReferences
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Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy