Social participation in the exercise of power by the National Broadcasting Council, as exemplified by the list of major events

Lidia K. Jaskuła

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The topic Social participation in the exercise of power by the National Broadcasting Council, as exemplified by the list of major events is an attempt to define a model of public participation in the process of establishing a list of major events. Therefore, this study aims to examine the model of public participation in the exercise of power by the National Broadcasting Council regarding the so-called list of major events. According to the Polish Broadcasting Act, “a major event” means “an event of major importance for society”. To ensure more effective implementation of the right to information and its pluralism, the Polish legislator has established special rules regarding live broadcasts of major events. It is through public consultations that the public is involved in the process of establishing the list of major events prepared by the National Broadcasting Council. The main problem of the paper is the question of what model of public participation in the exercise of power by the National Broadcasting Council in determining the so-called list of major events emerges from the provisions of law and the practice of the National Broadcasting Council. To answer this question, the work presents: the origins and essence of the list of major events, the procedure for establishing the list of such events by the National Broadcasting Council, and an assessment of both the content and application of the legal provisions regarding the list of major events. The conducted analyses justify the conclusion that the model of public participation regarding the list of major events requires improvement, both at the level of legal regulations and at the level of practice.


Media Law, National Broadcasting Council, freedom of expression, public interest, right to information, list of major events, public participation

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Cited by

Jaskuła, L. K. (2024). Social participation in the exercise of power by the National Broadcasting Council, as exemplified by the list of major events. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (66).

Lidia K. Jaskuła 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II