Who may participate in a village meeting and why the meeting does not elect a village administrator – comments against the background of Article 36 of the Act on Municipal Self-Government

Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


A village assembly, by Article 36(1) of the Act on Municipal Self-Government, one of the two bodies of a village council, is an assembly of the inhabitants of a village living permanently in its area, convened by authorized entities to take a decision, express a position or opinion on a specific issue. Because a meeting is a decision-making body, it is problematic not only to determine the circle of persons entitled to participate in it but also to precisely (on legal grounds) separate two bodies – participants (members) of a village meeting from persons entitled to elect a reeve (executive body of a reeve) and a village council. This is because the village assembly does not have electoral power over the other bodies of the village hall. As a body, it adopts resolutions on matters of importance to the village hall. This article aims to determine whether the active electoral right should restrict the possibility of participation in the village assembly. This is because the assembly does not constitute a circle of voters, while the legislator itself does not provide for limitations on the involvement in the work of this body. This issue, although not new, seems to be still unclear.


village meeting, election of the mayor, active electoral right, inhabitants of the village hall, administrative law

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Cited by

Rokicka-Murszewska, K. (2024). Who may participate in a village meeting and why the meeting does not elect a village administrator – comments against the background of Article 36 of the Act on Municipal Self-Government. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (66). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.10427

Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu