Falsification of electoral and referendum documents under the provisions of the Penal Code
Norbert Michalak
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczyhttps://orcid.org/0009-0005-4248-5645
Elections and referendums are an integral part of democracy. Conducted following generally applicable legal provisions, they ensure the durability of democracy and its stability. The article raises difficult issues related to the falsification of electoral and referendum documents. The examined problem is discussed based on doctrine and judicial decisions. Referring to case law reflects the validity of the shortcomings indicated in the work and allows for their broader analysis. The aim of the article is to develop de lege lata remarks and de lege ferenda postulates, in the context of a safely conducted electoral process. The crime of falsifying electoral and referendum documents destabilizes the entire electoral process, therefore it is necessary to enact laws that are consistent with the formula of free and fair elections and to implement mechanisms ensuring them. The analysis leads to the main conclusion that Polish criminal law – as a rule – provides full-fledged protection for the institution of elections and referendums, but it would be necessary to consider the need to introduce the crime of interfering in the electoral process and determining the results of voting in the form of cybercrime. The author points to many changes in the organizational and management sphere concerning free and fair elections.
Elections, referendum, democracy, falsification of electoral documents.References
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