Public subjective rights in environmental protection – 25 years after the adoption of the Aarhus Convention

Anna Haładyj

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The doctrine commonly emphasizes the importance of the procedural guarantees proposed in the Aarhus Convention for the implementation of the public rights granted therein, i.e. the right of access to justice in environmental matters, which include, among others, issues such as the scope of information that must be made available, the procedure for applying, the grounds for refusing to provide environmental information, deadlines for settling the case, and the right to file an appeal and a complaint to the court, as well as issues related to the technical methods of making environmental information available. Therefore, the guarantee of the proper implementation of the right to a court includes numerous other components, the evaluation of which – from the perspective of the effectiveness of the protection of public subjective rights a quarter of a century after the adoption of the Convention – is the subject of further analysis. To achieve the above goal, a thesis was formulated that the existing guarantees of the implementation of public subjective rights must be perceived in a dynamic approach, due to technological changes (providing information about the environment online, via databases, including BDO). The analysis allowed for the determination that the existing procedural guarantees – without denying their importance and ground-breaking nature in granting procedural rights to society and its members – are becoming insufficient in the face of new technological challenges and corresponding phenomena in administration, which include maintaining publicly available registers in electronic form.


environmental law, public subjective rights, Aarhus Convention, Access to informa- tion on the environment and its protection, procedural guarantees, BDO

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Cited by

Haładyj, A. (2024). Public subjective rights in environmental protection – 25 years after the adoption of the Aarhus Convention. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (66).

Anna Haładyj 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II