Fee for reduction of natural land retention of property (retention fee) as an instrument of water resources management

Anna Ostrowska

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


An element of water resources management is the management of rainwater and snowmelt, requiring the introduction and application of systemic solutions in the areas of ecological, economic, and social issues. The basic principle of rainwater and snowmelt management policy should be to prevent the rapid discharge of these waters from urbanized areas and to increase the retention capacity of these areas. The implementation of this goal is carried out directly through administrative and legal instruments complemented by economic instruments, forming a system of fees and penalties. Fees and penalties are mandatory payments for the use of individual elements and components of the environment. They are coercive public tributes for the use of the environment, which the state legislature imposes on entities using the environment, both to limit this use and to collect funds to finance environmental protection tasks. One of these is a fee for reducing the natural field retention of real estate (retention fee), which is intended to help prevent the “sealing” of land. The inspiration for writing this article is the importance of the issue, which is the purpose and basis for the introduction of this fee to the system of law, but also the lack of an in-depth, doctrinal analysis of the key dilemmas related to the substantive-legal and procedural aspects of its imposition, the occurrence of discrepancies in court rulings and in the practice of administrative bodies. When writing this text, the classic legal-dogmatic method was used – the analysis of legal provisions, views of representatives of the legal doctrine and case law of administrative courts. The article attempts to clarify doubts and disputes concerning both the purpose and premises of imposing a retention fee and to resolve dilemmas related to the procedural aspects of its imposition. In conclusion, it is stated that the introduction of a fee for reducing the natural field retention of property alone will certainly not stimulate the management of rainwater and snowmelt, but in combination with new water management instruments of a rationing nature, it is an appropriate step towards changing social awareness and initiating a more responsible approach of property owners, including investors, to this issue.


water resources management, retention fee, reduction of natural land retention, water law, rainwater and meltwater

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Cited by

Ostrowska, A. . (2024). Fee for reduction of natural land retention of property (retention fee) as an instrument of water resources management. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (66). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.10521

Anna Ostrowska 
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie