Countering the use of the financial sector for tax evasion (STIR) as an institution of general tax law – critical remarks
Krzysztof Teszner
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
Bogumił Pahl
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM
The purpose of this article is to critically analyze and evaluate the provisions of Section IIIB, which was introduced into the Tax Ordinance in 2018 and regulates the so-called anti-use of the financial sector for tax evasion. The research conducted leads to the conclusion that, unlike the anti-avoidance clause, the STIR as a preventive tool to control the bank accounts of entrepreneurs against tax extortion and the legal measure of blocking these accounts is not part of the general tax law. The appropriate place for its legal regulation is the National Tax Administration Act. The analyzed legal institution is useful for the elimination of tax fraud. However, its application cannot be based solely on the tax authority’s fear of non-payment, based on risk analysis and algorithms unknown to the taxpayer. It is necessary to revise the legal grounds for ordering the freezing of a bank account, as well as the grounds for its extension, which should be clearly defined. This will eliminate the risk of arbitrariness in the application of STIR to honest entrepreneurs. It is necessary to extend judicial review of short-term bank account freezes by providing entrepreneurs with an effective remedy and a constitutional guarantee of the right to a court of law.
tax ordinance, risk analysis, tax extortion, blockage of trader's bank accountReferences
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