Exceeding offcial authority by the police offcer and frustration, dissolution or bringing to dissolution of the assembly organised in simplifed procedure

Jerzy Ferenz

Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat dr Jerzy Ferenz


Organising of peaceful assemblies and participating in them is one of the fundamental civil freedom in the democratic state based on the rule of law. This paper contains considerations about the matter of offcial duties undertook by police offcers towards participants of assemblies organised in simplifed procedure. It provides an attempt to establish where are the borders of the legality of their acts and when they exceed the border of legality and commit the crime under the article 231 section 1 of the penal code.


exceeding official authority, police officer, freedom of assembly, dissolution of the assembly

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Cited by

Ferenz, J. (2019). Exceeding offcial authority by the police offcer and frustration, dissolution or bringing to dissolution of the assembly organised in simplifed procedure. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (43), 81–94. https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.4601

Jerzy Ferenz 
Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat dr Jerzy Ferenz