Changes in the scope of a judicial sentencing (selected issues in the perspective of the latest legislative proposals)

Agnieszka Kania

University of Zielona Góra


The aim of the article – which was inspired by the latest proposal for an amendment to the Polish Penal Code (parliamentary paper no. 3451) – is to point out possible changes in the scope of a judicial sentencing. The article provides a critical analysis of the proposed changes relating to the general directives of a judicial sentencing, as well as a skeptical assessment of the attempt to indicate their hierarchy. It also makes objections to the proposal of introducing a set of circumstances which would have an aggravating or mitigating effect on the process of developing the judicial sentencing into the provisions of the Polish Penal Code.


judicial sentencing, the general prevention directive, aggravating and mitigating circumstances

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Cited by

Kania, A. (2019). Changes in the scope of a judicial sentencing (selected issues in the perspective of the latest legislative proposals). Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (43), 155–162.

Agnieszka Kania 
University of Zielona Góra