Civil society institutions and the amendment of 11 January 2018 of local self-government acts


Wioleta Baranowska-Zając

University of Szczecin

University of Szczecin


On the basis of the amendment of 11 January 2018 of the Polish local self-government acts, legal institutions were established to increase the scope of civil society in local government units. These included the institution of civil budget, the institution of participation in the debate on the report concerning the state of local government units and the civil legislative initiative. The aim of the research, the results of which were recorded in the article, was the analysis of legal institutions serving under the amended provisions to increase the scope of civil society in local self-government units and to examine their impact on the development of civil society and the scope of its functioning. At the same time, the hypothesis was adopted that the revised provisions will not signifcantly affect the development of civil society in the local self-government.


civil society local self-goverment unit, civil budget, participation in the debate on the report concerning the state of local government units, civil legislative initiative

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Cited by

Baranowska-Zając, W. (2019). Civil society institutions and the amendment of 11 January 2018 of local self-government acts: brak. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (44), 5–20.

Wioleta Baranowska-Zając 
University of Szczecin
<p>University of Szczecin</p>  Poland

University of Szczecin