Scope of artistic freedom in France – selected aspects
This paper analyses the normative boundaries of freedom of artistic creation in France. France has long been recognized as a cradle of art and culture and, for this reason, any interference of criminal law in the field of artistic freedom is considered serious. The paper also draws attention to the fact that the cult of freedom and creativity has dominated the art market and has led to many discrepancies in the interpretation of the law. Currently, the number of trials against artists proves that censorship is still alive in France. Many scandals involving artistic freedom are heating up the public debate on the issue of creativity. The author analyses crimes against artistic freedom in reference to the rules of criminal liability. The paper also examines the scope of artistic freedom in France in relation to copyright and certain
related rights, freedom of speech and artistic freedom of expression in cinematography and theatre.
art in France, criminal law, the responsibility of the artist, crime against art, artistic freedom in France.References
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