Public order and safety and the constitutional protection of freedom of peaceful assembly – legal problems of video recording for law enforcement authorities with the German law of assembly in the background

Łukasz Iluk

University of Finance and Law in Bielska-Biala


The following article attempts to evaluate the regulations pertaining to video recording of public assemblies. It was the events held outside the Polish Parliament House (Sejm) in December 2016 that spurred the legal considerations. First the author outlines the factual events and then presents the legal aspects of video recording. Furthermore, on conducting a survey among selected police departments, it has been proven that the existing regulation is not suffcient. Therefore, following the legal considerations, the author formulates the ideas de lege ferenda. For contrastive reasons he cites German regulations  concerning sound and image recording of public assemblies.


security, public assembly, constitution, video registration

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Cited by

Iluk, Łukasz. (2019). Public order and safety and the constitutional protection of freedom of peaceful assembly – legal problems of video recording for law enforcement authorities with the German law of assembly in the background. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (45), 53–62.

Łukasz Iluk 
University of Finance and Law in Bielska-Biala