“I shall never die completely, for some of me will persist…”. Legal aspects of human remains as cultural goods and the integrity of the corpse in the cultural tradition

Jacek Mazurkiewicz

University of Zielona Góra


Human remains, not just corpses, are sometimes cultural goods. In the frst part of our work, we present an outline of selected legal aspects of human remains. According to Polish law, corpses cannot have the status of historical monuments, but preparations from human remains are able to obtain such status. The remains can also be a part of monuments or archaeological monuments. In such cases, exposure to public display is subject to restrictions. Currently, special legal problems relate to “exotic” human remains that were included into Western museum collections during colonial times. The presented examples show that in the funeral tradition of our (and not only our) cultural circle, the integrity of human corpses and ashes was not considered a value in itself. Therefore, we believe that the current approach
of the Polish courts to the fragmentation of ashes remaining after body cremation is too restrictive. 


corpses, human remains, cultural goods

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Cited by

Mazurkiewicz, J. (2019). “I shall never die completely, for some of me will persist…”. Legal aspects of human remains as cultural goods and the integrity of the corpse in the cultural tradition. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (45), 179–197. https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.5202

Jacek Mazurkiewicz 
University of Zielona Góra