Protection of the space environment against space debris pollution

Michał Pietkiewicz

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


The right to a clean environment in the twenty-frst century is recognized as a human right. Therefore, states bear international responsibility for its protection, because they have legal possibilities to set legal norms, the aim of which is to pursue policies ensuring the ecological security of current and future generations – as the Constitution of the Republic of Poland provides. From the beginning of the establishment of Ius Spatiale, the problem of the delimitation of outer space and the establishment of the boundary between air and space is still actual. Based, for example, on the content of art.
IX of the Outer Space Treaty, the study and research of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, should be conducted to avoid harmful contamination and also adverse changes in the environment of the Earth. The problem of “space debris” is not only about ecology, but it is also a major economic threat to entities operating in space. The work was based on foreign literature, concerning not only the legal aspects of the above mentioned problem, but also technical issues such as the indication of specifc factors affecting the environment. 
czynników oddziałujących negatywnie na środowisko.


environmental protection, space debris, space law, Outer Space Treaty

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Cited by

Pietkiewicz, M. (2019). Protection of the space environment against space debris pollution. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (45), 215–227.

Michał Pietkiewicz 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn