Procedural rules of the Swiss criminal trial – Part 2

Aleksandr Trefilov

Institutes für Gesetzgebung und Rechtsvergleichung bei der Regierung der Russischen Föderation


The basis of criminal proceedings are its principles – the most important principles that determine the meaning, content, application of criminal procedure law. The principles affect all stages of criminal proceedings, from the beginning of the investigation to the execution of the sentence. The proper
operation of the principles affects the effectiveness of criminal proceedings. In this article the author analyzes the system of principles of criminal procedure of Switzerland on the basis of the Criminal procedure code of 2007 on the basis of normative and doctrinal sources. The author explores the principle of free evaluation of evidence, the prohibition of reprosecution, the principle of publicity, the principle of the language of criminal proceedings, the principle of favoring the defense, the principle of accusation, and the presumption of innocence.


Principles of criminal procedure, principle of justice, principle of investigation, obligation of criminal prosecution, principle of prosecution

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Cited by

Trefilov, A. (2019). Procedural rules of the Swiss criminal trial – Part 2. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (45), 349–365.

Aleksandr Trefilov 
Institutes für Gesetzgebung und Rechtsvergleichung bei der Regierung der Russischen Föderation