Environmental public procurement in the context of the principle of equal treatment and fair competition
Maciej Bendorf-Bundorf
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztynhttp://orcid.org/0000-0002-7475-4986
The article presents the topic of green public procurement from the perspective of the principle of equal treatment and fair competition of economic operators participating in the public procurement procedure. Pro-ecological instrumentalisation of public procurement should take place in accordance with the basic function of the public procurement system, which is to ensure the widest possible access to national markets for operators from across the European Union. The aim of the article is to present selected environmental clauses in public procurement and to evaluate them through the postulate of ensuring the efficiency of public expenditure. Environmental aspects should be considered at various stages of the procurement procedures. However, the effectiveness of public procurement is directly related to the principle of equal treatment and fair competition. Only under conditions of competitive pressure, tenders submitted by economic operators will show the best value for money, and the contracting authority will be able to select the objectively most advantageous tender.
environmental public procurement, equel treatment, fair competitionReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn