Missing Persons Search Methods in Ukraine: practical aspect

Dmytro Nykyforchuk

National Acadamy of Internal Affairs

Dmytro Dmytrovych

National Academy of Internal Affairs


This article discloses the methods for searching of missing persons by units of the National Police of Ukraine on the basis of legislation, taking into account the practical experience of the authors. Statistical data on the situation of the search for missing persons in Ukraine are presented, current trends and processes that can lead to an unknown disappearance of persons are identified. The search procedure is conditionally divided into three parts: priority measures, investigative (search) actions and operational-search measures. Attention is drawn to the identification of signs of a possible crime with respect to a missing person. The possibility of submitting documents to the International Criminal Police Organization Interpol is described. Attention is paid to the situation in the East of the country, some features of the search for persons in the zone of armed conflict are described. Listed conditions for termination of the search. The ways of optimizing activities in this direction are proposed.


criminal methods, search, missing people, National Police, statistics

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Cited by

Nykyforchuk, D., & Dmytrovych, D. (2020). Missing Persons Search Methods in Ukraine: practical aspect. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (47). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.5268

Dmytro Nykyforchuk 
National Acadamy of Internal Affairs
Dmytro Dmytrovych 
National Academy of Internal Affairs