Identification of faked disappearance using investigative and surveillance measures

Oleg Kuczyn

Moscow State University


There are situations when a perpetrator wants to evade being made liable for the crime by faked disappearance. Sometimes such a person changes his/her appearance. In such situations, law-enforcement bodies have to conduct a number of investigative and surveillance actions so that the person being sought does not know that he/she is a suspect and does not hide again. Care should also be taken to avoid the violation of third-party rights. The aim of the article is to represent legal mechanisms and forensic recommendations referring to the identification of fake disappearances. The author concluded that there may be different types of fake disappearances. Nonetheless, all of them have a few features in common allowing to identify such situations.


criminal proceedings, seeking missing persons, investigative and surveillance work, evidence

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Cited by

Kuczyn, O. (2020). Identification of faked disappearance using investigative and surveillance measures. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (47).

Oleg Kuczyn 
Moscow State University