Juvenile perpetrators in the domestic violence cases: the pertinent legal provisions and law enforcement approach

Justyna Omeljaniuk

University in Bialystok

Karolina Kamińska-Surówka

University in Bialystok


In the article, the scale of domestic violence in Poland in 2008-2018 regarding minor perpetrators was analyzed. The authors discussed the phenomenon of domestic violence based on the literature review and statistical data. Some theoretical issues related to minor offenders were presented. The authors indicated typical crimes that could be associated with domestic violence, presented and analyzed statistical data to represent the phenomenon. Attention was also paid to the difficulties encountered by the authors during the analysis of the data, and the interpretation challenges. The authors concluded that the reasons behind each crime, as well as the educational function of a particular punishment should be considered. Due to the changes in the system of police statistics introduced in 2012 and the lack of precise nomenclature, it is being difficult to interpret available statistical data.



criminal law, legal provisions, juvenile liability, domestic violence, police statistics

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Cited by

Omeljaniuk, J., & Kamińska-Surówka, K. (2020). Juvenile perpetrators in the domestic violence cases: the pertinent legal provisions and law enforcement approach. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (47). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.5281

Justyna Omeljaniuk 
University in Bialystok
Karolina Kamińska-Surówka 
University in Bialystok