Kestenbaum Commission and its successors – statutory purposes and activities

Edyta Sokalska

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


With the development of the European Union the studies on federalism have quickened their pace, despite the fact that presumably, the European Union is reaching a crisis in the context of “Brexit”, and some voices concerning the unequal treatment of the members. Along with the development of international and supranational organizations, it has become an attractive theory. It is analyzed in the context of the challenges of modern ecology, the impact on overcoming the financial crisis in the world. The question of the effects of federalism on the development of democracy and the protection of human rights is raised. The purpose of the article is the identification of the activities of the Kestenbaum Commission established in 1953 and the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations established in 1959. They both played a significant part in the development of American federalism. ACIR thanks to its broad representation was able to develop long-term recommendations and analyses that reflected the diversity and similarity of the federal units. The Commission determined its own agenda taking into account the experience of its members, contacts within the federal system as well as suggestions from public officials, the groups of citizens, and current issues in intergovernmental relations. The Commission during the second part of the 20th century played a unique part in monitoring the U.S. federal system as well as in identifying and highlighting emerging issues, and conveying regularly federal, state, and local government officials to consider the means of organizing the system work.  better.


intergovernmental relations, advisory commission, federal agency, state administration, federal administration, natural resources

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Cited by

Sokalska, E. (2020). Kestenbaum Commission and its successors – statutory purposes and activities. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (47).

Edyta Sokalska 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn