State aid in the feld of feeding – Government Program “Meal at school and at home” for 2019–2023

Monika Giżyńska

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


The purpose of the article is to analyze the regulations regarding the “Meal at school and at home” program, which constitutes financial support for municipalities in providing assistance in the form of a meal, a cash benefit in the form of a specific benefit for the purchase of a meal or food, and a benefit in kind in the form of food products for the needy residents of a given commune. The program is a governmental undertaking aimed at supporting municipalities in the implementation of their own mandatory tasks in the field of feeding, aimed at reducing malnutrition of children and adults, primarily lonely and elderly.


commune, own task, Program “Meal at school and at home”, government, feeding.

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Cited by

Giżyńska, M. (2019). State aid in the feld of feeding – Government Program “Meal at school and at home” for 2019–2023. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (46), 69–76.

Monika Giżyńska 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn