Failure to comply with the laws on personal data protection as violation of personal interests – analysis on the example of the case law of the Supreme Court

Bernard Łukanko

Polish Academy of Science


The study is concerned with the issue of mutual relationship between the failure to comply with the laws on personal data protection and regulations relating to the protection of personal interests, including in particular the right to privacy. The article presents the views held by the Supreme Court with respect to the possibility of considering acts infringing upon the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of 1997 (after 24 May 2018) and of the General Data Protection Regulation (after 25 May 2018) as violation of personal interests, such as the right to privacy. The author shared the view of the case law stating that, if in specifc circumstances the processing of personal data violates the right to privacy, the party concerned may seek remedy on the grounds of Articles 23 and 24 of the Polish Civil Code. This position is
also relevant after the entry into force of the GDPR which, in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner, directly applicable in all Member States, regulates the issue of liability under civil law for infringements of the provisions of the Regulation, however, according to the position expressed in professional literature, it does not exclude the concurrence of claims and violation of the provisions on the protection of personal interests caused by a specifc event. In case of improper processing of personal data, the remedies available under domestic law on the protection of personal interests may be of particular importance outside the subject matter scope of the GDPR applicability. 


personal data protection, GDPR, personal interests, right to privacy

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Cited by

Łukanko, B. (2019). Failure to comply with the laws on personal data protection as violation of personal interests – analysis on the example of the case law of the Supreme Court. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (46), 245–259.

Bernard Łukanko 
Polish Academy of Science