The rights and obligations of drivers of vehicles and the powers of inspection bodies in the light of the new regulations on road traffc control

Artur Mezglewski

Military Academy in Warsaw


The purpose of the publication is to assess the actual legal effects caused by the new regulation of 5 November 2019 on road traffic control in the area of the relationship between the inspector and the inspector. Contrary to widespread media views, the new provisions do not contain any revolutionary changes, but merely recite to the state legal order the European Union regulations of 2014 regarding technical inspections of commercial vehicles, or renew the old provisions of the repealed regulation. It is also noted that the new regulation includes several provisions that were issued without statutory delegation and relate to the rights and obligations of drivers. Their legality is therefore questionable.


traffc, rule of law, drivers.

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Cited by

Mezglewski, A. (2019). The rights and obligations of drivers of vehicles and the powers of inspection bodies in the light of the new regulations on road traffc control. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (46), 277–289.

Artur Mezglewski 
Military Academy in Warsaw