Governmental aid program – “Good start” as the implementation of the state’s task in supporting families with children

Dobrochna Ossowska-Salamonowicz

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The aim of the article is to analyze the regulations regarding the “Good start” program, which provides real financial support for families with children before the beginning of the school year. A good start is payable once a year for a child studying at school until they reach the age of 20. Disabled children learning at school receive a benefit until they reach the age of 24. The program does not include children who perform pre-school preparation: neither in kindergarten nor in the so-called “Zera” run at school. It also does not include students, post-secondary school students and adult school students. The award of a benefit, based on the application, does not require an administrative decision of the governing body in the commune. Only refusal to grant benefits or possible determination of benefits unduly collected is made in the form of an administrative decision issued by the governing body in the commune.


benefit in cash, Program “Good start”, government, feeding.

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Cited by

Ossowska-Salamonowicz, D. (2019). Governmental aid program – “Good start” as the implementation of the state’s task in supporting families with children. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (46), 329–339. Retrieved from

Dobrochna Ossowska-Salamonowicz 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie