Analysis of the effectiveness of the European arrest warrant procedure

Tomasz Słapczyński

Uniwersytet Jagielloński


The European Arrest Warrant (hereinafter ENA) is the result of the development of legislation and practice in the field of cooperation in criminal
matters as well as freedom, justice and security of the European Union. The development of integration between countries also concerns the sphere of
justice. In connection with the cooperation of various bodies and institutions of European countries, certain systems are being developed to facilitate the
application of law across borders. One such system is the European Arrest Warrant. It is undoubtedly the result of the introduction of simplified crossborder judicial proceedings. Its regulations include the transfer of suspects and accused persons for the purposes of prosecution of crimes or execution of a prison sentence or application of a precautionary measure consisting in thedeprivation of liberty. The first part of the article will present the EAW procedure, together with its key elements determining the effectiveness of this instrument. The second part of the work presents an analysis of the effectiveness of the EAW based on available Statistical information and analysis of available literature.


European arrest warrant, EU law, Criminal law, international cooperation.

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Cited by

Słapczyński, T. (2019). Analysis of the effectiveness of the European arrest warrant procedure. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (46), 385–394. Retrieved from

Tomasz Słapczyński 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński