The compensation for the violation of patients’ rights

Agnieszka Kowalska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The general principles of compensation for violation of personal rights are regulated in the Polish Civil Code. Despite the evident link between patients' rights and personal rights, special consideration was given to compensation for a culpable violation of patient's rights, which was provided for in Article 4 of the Patients' Rights and the Commissioner for Patients’ Rights Act. The purpose of the study is to analyze the statutory regulation and its consequences. Compensation for violation of patients' rights as provided for in the situations of violations of patients' rights indicated by the legislator. The catalogue excludes the right to store valuables things on the deposit of a medical entity performing medical activities such as stationary and round-the-clock health services, the right to information on the type and scope of health services provided by entities providing health services, the right to access the medical records regarding his health, the right to report adverse reactions to the medicinal products. For the spouse, relatives or other persons up to the second degree in a straight line or a statutory representative, the legislator also provided the claim for payment for the indicated social purpose in the event of a culpable violation of the patient's rights to die in peace and dignity. In both cases, the claim is pursued based on art. 448 of the Polish Civil Code against which Art. 4 of the cited Act is treated as a lex specialis.

            The considerations made indicate that the adopted solution is desirable for patients and is increasingly used by them.


civil law, patient, compensation, Commissioner for Patients’ Rights

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Cited by

Kowalska, A. (2020). The compensation for the violation of patients’ rights. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (48).

Agnieszka Kowalska 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie