Immigration detention in the light of the European Court of Human Rights judgment of December 15, 2016, in the case Khlaifia v. Italy (application no. 16483/12)

Jerzy Nikołajew

Uniwersytet Opolski


The European Convention on Human Rights protects the rights of all illegal migrants. Such guarantees concern the need to respect human dignity in the context of protection against inhuman and degrading treatment, as well as the right to challenge arbitrary decisions before a court. Also, the 2008 EU directive obliges members states to apply common rules on the return of illegally staying third-country nationals. The same document also specifies the conditions of stay in reception centres as in the face of the migration crisis after 2014 seems to be a purposeful solution. The purpose of this article is to indicate that despite the statutory guarantees, complaints are made regarding the conditions in these centres. Based on the selected case of European Court of Human Rights (case Khlaifia), it can be stated that the detention of irregular migrants has the features of deprivation of liberty but cannot be treated in the act inhuman and degrading treatment. Besides, national law provisions should specify the rules of stay in reception centres and provide judicial protection in the event of a deportation decision.


illegal migrants status, conditions in the detention centres, the European Court’s case-law

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Cited by

Nikołajew, J. (2020). Immigration detention in the light of the European Court of Human Rights judgment of December 15, 2016, in the case Khlaifia v. Italy (application no. 16483/12). Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (48).

Jerzy Nikołajew 
Uniwersytet Opolski